Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Good to the NDP Active on the Issues Even in the Summer

Although it is now the middle of July, it is excellent to see that our NDP caucus and leadership has not gone on holiday. They are continuing to stand up, speak out, and fight for the right s and privileges of ordinary Canadians.

We've taken a very strong stand against the horrible and intrusive decision by Bell and Telus to announce that cell phone users would be required to pay for incoming text messages, both solicited and non-solicited. The party's website features a prominent and direct campaign aimed at restoring fairness to the consumer. Text messages are already paid for when they are sent, and now these companies want to double-charge and get money for delivering them to consumers. Good for the NDP for swiftly, strongly, and effectively condemning this unfair cash grab!

Also, we have continued to speak out on human rights injustices as well; just this morning I read an article about the terrible trade agreement Canada recently signed with Columbia, including a cause which calls for the government to just pay a fine when union activists are murdered. I'm proud to see that NDP members Jack Layton and Peter Julian have been speaking out against this deplorable agreement.

We can never take a vacation from standing up for our principles. Good job for the NDP for standing up for what we believe in year-round!

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