Thursday, June 26, 2008

This Changes Nothing in My Mind

Even though a federal court has struck down portions of Justice Gomery's report which assigned some blame to Jean Chretien for the Sponsorship Scandal, it changes nothing in my mind. Jean Chretien definitely deserves to receive some blame for allowing it to occur under his watch.

What about the concept of ministerial responsibility? When something goes wrong or
becomes unacceptable in a Minister's department, it is considered the fault of the Minister in question. When something goes so abysmally criminal and corrupt in a government, the Prime Minister needs to accept responsibility for it.

This just further goes to show the corrupt nature of the Liberal Party. Only the NDP has the courage to stand up against Stephen Harper and maintain ethical integrity.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Even Barack Obama Sees How Bad the Oil Sands are, so why not Stephen Harper?

Likely U.S. President Barack Obama has come out swinging against the Alberta oil sands. He has committed himself to lessening the use of the most environmentally unfriendly sources of oil. At the same time, Stephen Harper has yet to condemn the Alberta tar sands for the poisonous cocktail of chemicals and greenhouse gases they spew into the atmosphere.

Stephen Harper is, sadly, the most pro-American Prime Minster we have ever had; so why won't he follow the lead of an American?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Study After Study, yet Little Action Taken

According to news articles, yet another study has been released condemning a tobacco product for their damaging health effects, which will likely produce no tangible results. The 2006-2007 Youth Smoking Survey from the University of Waterloo addresses the dangers posed by cigarillos,which are flavoured mini-cigars. With flavours such as vanilla, strawberry, mint, peach, etc., the temptation can be great for young children to try them.

The government needs to actually do something to make it impossible (or, at the very least, very, very difficult) for children to purchase these yummy, but deadly, cancer sticks. Young people are trying cigars, cigarillos, and cigarettes at alarming rates, and we need to do anything we can to discourage them from doing so.

Anything that can harm and kill the way these cigarillos can should not be allowed to taste or look like candy. It's time the government actually struck back at tobacco producers, desperate to maximize profits and hook new customers.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Society needs to take care of our most vulnerable members

The Toronto Star's website has an article today describing the desperate and dire challenges faced by homeless women in Canada. The anecdotes and statistics listed are shocking and deplorable. It is a shameful fact that a country as wealthy and successful and Canada has people suffering in this manner.

Homeless women are ten times as likely as homeless men to have been the victim of sexual assault and twice as likely to suffer from a mental illness. With so many services directed at homeless men, women often suffer in silence with few options to lift themselves out of their situation. Canada needs to make a concentrated effort to do something to alleviate this problem.

We need to ensure that these women are treated as victims and not dismissed as burdens, rejects, or criminals.

Friday, June 20, 2008

First Post

For my first real post I would like to discuss the end of this past session of the House of Commons. I am particularly proud of the role played by Jack Layton and the entire New Democratic caucus in standing up to oppose Stephen Harper's harmful and insulting policies.

While Stephane Dion and the Liberals have avoided their duty to oppose, when the NDP sees an objectionable policy (which most of them are), they oppose it not only with rhetoric but also with votes. From tax cuts to huge corporations to bully tactics against the Canadian Wheat, the NDP has been clear, consistent, and principled on all the issues.

I hope that over the summer, the NDP caucus and candidates will continue to speak up for ordinary Canadians across the country. We need to continue to work hard to ensure that individuals and families are not left voiceless and vulnerable.

Starting a Blog


I'm new to blogging, although I have enjoyed reading many blogs for a little while now. I hope to contribute to the NDP cause and work to see more New Democrats elected to the House of Commons. I look forward to discussing the important issues of the day, from poverty to the environment and the rising costs of living.

Welcome to my blog!